cute ^w^
love the piano!!!!
overall wonderfully made!!!
5/5 - 10/10!
Wonderful job!
cute ^w^
love the piano!!!!
overall wonderfully made!!!
5/5 - 10/10!
Wonderful job!
Aww, thank you so much for listening! Glad you enjoyed this polka piece
<3 <3 <3
Wow, love the drop.
Love that rubbery sound ;3
the part before the drop could be uh... improved upon imo, cleaned up, and 'put in tune'.
Love the drop tho!
nice job overall, I liked ;D
4/5 - 8/10.
nice job bro.
Deffs get five stars from me!
looking forward to hearing more from ya :)
5/5 - 10/10!
I have a soft spot for music like this ;3
Outstanding jobbbb!!!!
love piano <3
5/5 - 10/10!
ooh hahah :D
Im glad you like it!:)
The low voice is intersting :P
overall like the vibe.
it's constant, fluent, and goes well.
nice job!
5/5 - 10/10.
- MRM3
Thanks, really glad you like it ! :D
Beautiful ;3
I've got a soft spot for these classical/cinematic productions. 😌
nicely done :3
5/5 - 10/10.
Why thank you, I'm glad you liked it.
I likie ;3
Nice job bro.
Sweet tune!
Per request, I'll give you my feedback, and try to tell you how to improve!
You need to get Volume Control down... this is clipping like craaazzzyyyy.
if you could manage volumes, and get this not clippin' so much, it'd get a 5 from me :)
if you dont know how to edit volumes yet, then it's deffs something to learn.
Idk what DAW you use, maybe I could help? idk.
Nice job!
- MRM3
I've noticed some clipping, and now that you mention it I'm sure the songs would be better with volume control so I'll keep what you said in mind. Thank you for the feedback!
This is frekin amazing!!!
wow, instant fav and follow.
this is so beautiful!! I have no criticisms whatsoever, even though I'd like to.... :D
Wonderful job!!!!!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Not bad riddim, my man.
I like it!
As far as criticisms go, that Supersaw could really use some reverb/release on it.
besides that, It's good!
4/5 - 8/10.
Just a kid who's in love with music and production. Currently studying Audio Engineering.
Age 22
Conservatory of Recording Arts
Planet Earth
Joined on 2/11/18