Hey Q!
It's MRM3, I just got back on NG a bit ago after life had dragged me away from this community. So glad to see mah fav artist (you) is ...are?... still here and making great music! Literally music to my ears lmfao
Flawless work, as usual. I find it slightly frustrating when someone just keeps putting out pieces that I can't really criticize.
The atmosphere you maintain is really something. You create a void of something that seems like nothing to compose over, and I'm not exactly sure how you do it.
Still love your drums >.<
The Reeses are really well set in the track. A seeming chaotic energy that has been tamed, subdued and caged, raging and clawing for a grasp, yet obeying and playing along as you've arranged. It contrasts very nicely with the ambiance of the backdrop.
Hope life's treating ya well, and hope to keep hearing from ya!